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1. Jim did well in swimming when he was young.

Jim ____ ____ ____ swimming when he was young.

2. I often borrow some books from my uncle.

My uncle often ____ some books ____ ____.

3. Please give this book to your brother.

Please ____ ____ ____ this book.

4. Could we go to the zoo together this afternoon?

____ ____ ____ to the zoo together this afternoon?

5. A Chinese farm is different from an American farm.

A Chinese farm is ____ ____ ____ ____ an American farm.

6. John has the same idea as Jim.

John ____ ____ Jim.

7. They no longer use animals to do farm work.

They ____ use animals to do farm work ____ ____.

8. Tom is ten. Kate is eleven.

Tom is ____ ____ Kate.

9. Lilei is heavier than the other two.

Lilei is ____ ____ of the three.

10. Can I help you?

____ ____ I ____ for you?

11. Mr. Li is the oldest teacher in the school.

Mr. Li is older than all ____ ____ teachers in the school.

12. Perhaps she is at school today.

She ____ ____ at school today.

13. We can finish the work alone.

We can finish the work ____ ____ ____.

14. She often helps her mother do the housework.

She often ____ her mother ____ the housework.

15. I can look after the baby.

I can ____ ____ ____ the baby.

17. It’s only ten minutes on foot from his home to school. It only ____ ten minutes ____ ____ to school from his home.

18. How do you like the transportation of our city?

____ do you ____ ____ the transportation of our city?

19. There are some differences between my friend and me. My friend is ____ ____ me.

20. Jim is more athletic than any other student in his class. Jim is the ____ athletic ____ all the students in his class.

21. She doesn’t want to drink milk now.

She doesn’t ____ ____ ____ milk now.

22. It’s time for our lunch.

It’s time for ____ ____ ____ lunch.

23. Don’t worry. I’ll look after your baby carefully. Don’t worry. I’ll ____ ____ ____ ____ your baby.

24. People in Japan eat a lot of fish. We eat a lot of fish, too. People in Japan eat a lot of fish. ____ ____ ____.

25. All the other girls are standing behind the tallest one. The tallest girl is standing ____ ____ ____ ____ the line.

26. It takes about fifteen minutes on foot.




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